Community Education Toolkits
Hepatitis B Training Presentation for Health Workers
Language-specific PDFs in English, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese
Community-specific PDFs in English: Pan-Asian, Hmong, Nigerian, West African, Filipino, Korean, Micronesian, Somali, Ethiopian, Haitian
Presentation video: English, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese
A presentation for community health workers, public health professionals, and physicians on the basics of hepatitis B and tips for educating others in Asian American communities.
Hepatitis B Training Presentation for Health Workers
PDF: English, Amharic, Arabic, French, Swahili
PPT: English
PPT w/ Audio: English
Presentation video: Arabic, Amharic, French, Swahili
A presentation for community health workers, public health professionals, and physicians on the basics of hepatitis B and tips for educating others in the African community.
Produced by the Hepatitis B Foundation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hepatitis B Social Media Toolkits
Community-specific PNGs in English (scroll to the bottom of each page)
Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Hmong, Nigerian, West African, Haitian, Somali, Ethiopian, and Micronesian community
Social media assets for community members to learn more about Hepatitis B basics, testing, transmission, and symptoms.
Produced by the Hepatitis B Foundation.
Hepatitis B Community Flipchart
PDF: English, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese
PPT: Korean, Mandarin, Vietnamese
A printable flipchart for community health workers to use in Asian American communities to educate on the basics of hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B Community Flipchart
English, Amharic, Arabic, French, Hausa, Mandingo, Swahili
A printable flipchart for community health workers to use in African communities to educate on the basics of hepatitis B.
Produced by the Hepatitis B Foundation and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Hepatitis B: Community Health Fact Sheet for Health Workers and Faith Leaders
Hepatitis B fact sheet for community health workers and faith leaders to share with members of the community.
Produced by the Hepatitis B Foundation
Leave Behind Cards on Hepatitis B
Printable leave-behinds regarding hepatitis B.
Fact Sheet on Locating Hepatitis B Testing Resources
A fact sheet on how to find local hepatitis B testing resources.
Fact Sheet on Using the Hepatitis B Flipchart
A fact sheet on how to use the hepatitis B community education flipchart.
Produced by Hep B United