Webinars 2021
Leveraging the COVID-19 Pandemic to Conduct Hepatitis B Outreach, Education and Screening
Hep B United partners discuss the impact of the pandemic and how they are leveraging COVID-19 education and vaccination programs to conduct hepatitis B outreach, education and prevention among communities at risk for infection.
Presentation Slides:
HBU Philadelphia: Hepatitis B Outreach During COVID-19; Catherine Freeland
HBI-DC: Leveraging the COVID-19 Pandemic - IT Solutions; Amy Trang
New York City: Leveraging COVID-19 Education and Prevention to Address HBV among African Communities; Danait Yemane
Preventing Liver Cancer By Increasing Access to Hepatitis B Treatments
October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month in the United States. Left untreated, nearly 1 in 4 people living with chronic hepatitis B develop serious liver problems or liver cancer. Hepatitis B treatments are highly effective in preventing liver damage and liver cancer, but several barriers prevent equitable access to these life-saving medications. Panelists discussed discriminatory methods utilized by insurance companies that may discourage people living with hepatitis B from choosing an insurance plan, the role of copay accumulators in treatment access, tools and resources to access affordable hepatitis B treatment, and actions that patients can take to decrease the burden of adverse drug tiering.
Presentation Slides:
Barriers to Treatment Access and Patient Assistance Resources; Michaela Jackson
Copay Accumulator Adjustment Policies: Creating Barriers to Treatment; Stephanie Hengst
Role of a Patient Navigator; Mary Chiang and Jiehui Zhu
Cost-Effectiveness of a One-Time Universal Hepatitis B Screening in the U.S.
In the U.S., an estimated 2.4 million people are living with chronic hepatitis B infection. Despite CDC and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations to screen adults at high risk for infection that have been in place for over a decade, a significant majority of people (~65-75%) remain undiagnosed. With current screening practice, 33% of people are diagnosed, 36% are linked to care and 18% of the diagnosed are receiving treatment. This webinar provides background on current screening practice, barriers and challenges and discusses results of a study to assess the economic and public health impact of a one-time universal screening of the general adult population for chronic hepatitis B infection in the U.S.
Presentation Slides:
Cost-Effectiveness of Universal Screening for CHB in Adults; Mehlika Toy
Hepatitis B Educational Resources for African Communities
Panelists from the CDC and African Services Committee discuss Know Hepatitis B Campaign resources for community health workers working within African communities and community-based hepatitis B prevention initiatives. Additionally, hepatitis B activist and storyteller Bright Ansah shares his personal experiences with hepatitis B and highlight the need for greater awareness, education, and resources about hepatitis B in African communities.
Presentation Slides:
Hepatitis B Educational Resources for People of African Origin; Kari Sapsis
African Services Committee; Danait Yemane
Video: Bright's Story
Expanding Access to Hepatitis B Vaccination
This session shares strategies to expand hepatitis B vaccination. This webinar features a recent effort to expand vaccination uptake at a community health center in Seattle, Washington, led by Dr. Chia Wang.
Presentation Slides:
The HIT-B Project: Reducing Hepatitis B Disparities through Health Information Technology; Chia Wang
The Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Hepatitis B Prevention and Treatment Services
Panelists discuss the short and possible long-term impacts of the global pandemic on hepatitis B initiatives, including disruptions to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment services, that potentially threaten global hepatitis B elimination goals. Speakers also share local experiences and recommendations on strategies to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Presentation Slides:
Impact of COVID-19 on the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis B; Philippa Matthews and Caitlin Pley
Access to Health Care for Vulnerable Groups; Arafat Bwambale Introductory Video
Linkage to Care and Treatment for Persons with Hepatitis B in Tanzania
This session focuses on a project that was conducted to link people living with chronic hepatitis B in Dar es-Salaam and Zanzibar, Tanzania to care and treatment. Panelists share the background and history of the project, the process of data collection, the design and implementation of interventions, and future research and opportunities.
Presentation Slides:
Linkage to Care and Treatment for Persons with Hepatitis B in Dar es-Salaam and Zanzibar, Tanzania; Brian McMahon and Shuan Shadaker
Understanding Clinical Trials
This session shares patient and provider experiences related to clinical trials for hepatitis B and hepatitis Delta as well as resources for helping patients around the world identify clinical trials.
Presentation Slides:
Joe's Story; Joe Balestreri
History of HBV Drug Trials and Current Treatment Prospect for the Road to a Cure; Hie-Won Hann
National Library of Medicine Resources and ClinicalTrials.gov; Mid-Atlantic Region, Erin Seger
Hepatitis B Clinical Trials Guide and Finder
Elevating the Patient Voice: Perspectives and Experiences of Individuals Living with Hepatitis B
Panelists report on the first hepatitis B externally-led patient-focused drug development meeting held in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, discuss results from an international hepatitis B patient survey, and share preliminary data from focused interviews.
Presentation Slides:
Findings from the Externally Led Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting on Chronic Hepatitis B; Chari Cohen
David's Story; David Urick
The Patient Voice; Yasmin Ibrahim
Externally Led Patient-Focused Drug Development Meeting Report