Webinars 2018

Community-Based Services to Improve Hepatitis B Testing and Linkage to Care Among Hard-to-Reach Populations

This session presents findings from three hepatitis B testing and linkage to care programs funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014 to 2017. Panelists from Chicago, Livingston, New Jersey/New York City, and Sacramento share innovative strategies and partnerships to improve testing and linkage to care among high-risk populations, including patient navigation programs, using electronic medical records, and educating health care providers.

Presentation Slides:
Community-Based Services to Improve Hepatitis B Testing and Linkage to Care Among Hard-to-Reach Populations (CDC); Aaron Harris
Center for Asian Health Equity/Asian Health Coalition -University of Chicago Medicine; Karen Kim
Sacramento Collaborative to Advance Testing and Care of Hepatitis B (SCrATCH B); Duke LeTran
The Northern New Jersey and New York City Hepatitis B Program; Su Wang

Community based services to improve hepatitis B testing and linkage to care among hard to reach populations

Increasing Hepatitis B Education Among Nail Salon Workers

Given the high prevalence of hepatitis B among Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, who comprise a majority of the nail salon workforce, and the potential risk of infectious disease transmission between nail technicians and nail salon customers, this creates a unique opportunity to provide targeted hepatitis B outreach and education. Panelists discuss nail salon policies, state health/safety regulations, and how local public health agencies engage community members to strategize and promote healthy nail salons through HBV education, testing and vaccination among nail salon workers.

Presentation Slides:
Increasing HBV Awareness and Education Among Nail Salon Workers; Eugene Ng, Lisa Fu, and Xuan Man

Incraesing Hepatitis B Education Among Nail Salon Workers

Hepatitis B and the Opioid Crisis

For the first time since 2006, the number of reported acute HBV cases across the country is rising. Parts of the country hardest hit by the opioid epidemic are facing a rise in acute HBV infection associated with injection drug use. Panelists discuss the rise in acute HBV infection in the U.S., from Tennessee, West Virginia, and Maine, and how communities and health departments are responding to the epidemics.

Presentation Slides:
Hepatitis B Virus and the Opioid Crisis; Alice Asher
Hepatitis B in Tennessee; Carolyn Wester
Hepatitis B and the Opioid Crisis in West Virginia; Kady Pack

Hepatitis B and the Opioid Crisis

#justB – Real People Sharing their Hepatitis B Stories

This session presents stories from #justB, a national storytelling campaign to increase hepatitis B awareness and advocacy, empower patients, and reduce stigma. Speakers will include Amy Hill with StoryCenter and three #justB participants, who will share their newly released videos and speak more about their experiences with hepatitis B.

Presentation Slides:
#justB: Real People Sharing their Hepatitis B Stories; Rhea Racho, Amy Hill, and #justB Storytellers – Alice, Bright, and Nancy

Real people SHaring their Hepatitis B Stories

The NOHep Fight for Elimination

This session reviews the global public health threat of viral hepatitis and leaders from the World Hepatitis Alliance and U.S.-based organizations share information about the NOHep campaign, a global movement uniting governments, medical professionals, patients and the hepatitis community to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030.

Presentation Slides:
Hep B United and the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable; Kate Moraras and Tina Broder
World Hepatitis Alliance and the NoHep Campaign; Su Wang and Tara Farrell
Reach Out, Lift Up: Eliminating Hepatitis in Hawaii; Heather Lusk
Hepatitis B Elimination in Alaska; Lisa Townshend

The NoHep fight for elimination

Hepatitis Awareness Month

This session features tools and resources from Hep B United, NASTAD, and CDC, and provides local examples of activities and events to promote hepatitis B and hepatitis C awareness and outreach for May 2018.

Presentation Slides:
HBU and NASTAD Awareness Month Programs and Resources; Catherine Freeland and Alyssa Kitlas
CDC Hepatitis Awareness Month Resources and Campaigns; Sherry Chen
Hepatitis Awareness Month in New York City; Janice Lyu and Eric Rude
Liver Health Connection – Colorado; Nancy Steinfurth
Texas Department of State Health Services; Sainabou Katende
SF Hep B Free – Bay Area; Arcadi Kolchak

Hepatitis Awareness Month

Hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan Africa

This session reviews the epidemiology of hepatitis B in the Sub-Saharan African region including modes of transmission. Expert speakers discuss anthropological research describing knowledge and barriers to understanding, preventing and treating hepatitis B infection among populations in Africa.

Presentation Slides:
Epidemiology of Hepatitis B in Sub-Saharan Africa; Yusuke Shimakawa
Anthropology of Heatitis B in Sub-Saharan Africa; Tamara Giles-Vernick

Hepatitis B in Sub Saharan Africa